mosaicPro for iPad

Photo Mosaic app for Creative Pros

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mosaicPro for iPad is a Photo Mosaic app. It is designed for Creative Professionals and it includes an optimized workflow and fast algorithms for loading image tiles and generating Photo Mosaics. The application is designed to take advantage of the latest multi-core iPads. With mosaicPro for iPad you can generate large scale artwork.


Basic and Advanced Workflows

mosaicPro for iPad supports basic and advanced workflows to fit your particular needs. You can fine-tune tile importing using several options and select different mosaic algorithms to change the artistic effect.


Architected for Performance

mosaicPro for iPad is efficiently engineered to take advantage of the latest multi-core iPads from Apple to give you the best performance possible.


Useful Post-Processing Effects

After you create a mosaic image, you have the ability to customize it by colorizing the image to more closely match the master image. You may also artistically enhance the mosaic image by adding colorful grid lines to offset each individual tile.


Robust User Interface

mosaicPro for iPad includes advanced features such as a File Browser interface to quickly load both files and photos, as well as a full-featured Export facility to save final output to various formats.